life in indiana has been surprisingly great. i'm busy all the time, i fell like i'm eating about 20% of what i should be, i'm exhausted all the time, my period is like 4 days late so i'm stressing over that, my room is a shit hole, i have so much laundry to do that it's probably going to take me all night tonight and all night tomorrow, but things are generally good.
i spend so much time doing what i love lately that it makes things ok. and when i'm not busting my ass at solaris or working on my design stuff, i hang out at PG with a bunch of cool people and listen to seriously mindblowing music that i had no idea could come from evansville. people at PG tell me how cool they think i am, they seek ME out and come say hi to me, they buy me drinks and invite me places and make me feel welcome. last night at PG i met a girl who started following me on instagram back when i still lived in Chicago and has been desperately waiting to meet me out and about so she could tell me how much she loves my work and ask me to do business cards for her. i have clients literally rolling in faster than i can deal with them, which is getting me a lot of exposure and bringing in a lot of cash. i love the girls i work with so fucking much, and no one else wants to put up with our bosses' collective bullshit, so it's good to have someone to vent to about that crap. im signing a lease in a few weeks for a retail commercial space downtown between 2nd and 3rd street on carpenter, subleasing from an incredibly sweet woman next to her fabric shop (called Grateful Threads--hilarious). and i've also been seeing someone named alex who is sweet and tall and strong, which makes things nice. we're still getting to know each other, but we have an amazing physical chemistry (like i was mad at myself because my casual sex friend in chicago and i had amazing sex i thought i'd never top with anyone i actually had an intimate connection with--and alex and i already have even though we've only been fooling around) and last night he put his arm around me and kissed me in front of a couple of his friends, which he hadn't done before.
i'm incredibly excited for this spring. alex and i have been talking about doing yoga together and riding bikes on the greenway passage once the weather stays warm, and i'm feeling pretty good about myself as a person lately.
i just felt like this site needed an update from me. promise not to be a stranger so much in the future.
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