Friday, May 10, 2013


today's the last day of classes before my senior year of undergrad & i'm feeling incredibly calm for such a ridiculous day.

pretty much, i woke up at 430 to finish some work for my class today, already going off of sleep deprivation.

i forgot my wallet & couldn't print anything for my final crit, so i have to put all my work in my teacher's mailbox by next friday (no big, but stressful & embarrassing)

i had to say goodbye to tj

a red line derailed over red & brown tracks, so i had to take 2 different trains to a bus just to get home. it took over an hour and a half, when it usually take me about 30 minutes to get home. frustrating.

then i slept from 2-7, at which point i went to lakeview to get art supplies & work. i didn't end up leaving the area until 3am, at which point i had to get a cab because the brown line was closed for the night.

since 3 i've been finishing up this project, and after fighting with my dumbass printer for the past hour, i'm finally just a few quick steps from being finished for good. and that's super exciting.

the sun is coming up right now & i don't have to be at class until 10, and although i'm tired and have a lot to get done before i leave my house, tomorrow is Summer. like, SUMMER. summer in the city. i can ride my bike and walk gitsy and do art for fun.

i'm just really ready to be able to process this semester, do fun stuff, relax. and to get a break from daniella for a bit. things are just stressful with school, but hopefully that will be fixed after tomorrow!

anyway my prints finished so i have to go work now!

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