Wednesday, February 22, 2012

yesterday was a stress bomb

quite literally.

being a 12-hour day as all of my tuesdays are, every moment of my day yesterday was in some way rushed. I started the morning with having forgotten to prepare a presentation for my class' craft teach-in that day and, after being called to give the first presentation, had to work on my feet to teach a class of crafters how to use adobe illustrator. which would have been a feat even if i had been prepared.

after lunch, I worked in the woodshop for three hours, scavenging for scrap wood and operating a ginormous table saw with teeny tiny pieces of wood. questionable emotional stability due to unpreparedness for the day + fear for my life/fingers = an incredibly nerve-wracking afternoon.

following that I had a 1.5 hour typography lab which I spent finishing the homework due that day & then tumbling while still trying to keep up. a classmate at this point told me that I had 22 type layouts due the next day, bound into a book. (this was the point at which i started panicking because i had felt so on top of things but had forgotten so much work.)

my last class of the day (a 3-hour fibers lab) consisted of holding back tears while trying to justify the point of view of a piece I hadn't read and then sitting in front of a sewing machine. ripping and joining fabrics was the only relaxed part of my day.

after that i went home and pulled an all-nighter to finish my type assignment for the class i'm in now. come to find out the girl who told me it was due was wrong; it's not due until next class, but I didn't know since I missed last class. oops! at least i feel ahead for the first time in a few days. Since I've already finished what my class will be working on today, I can use the morning half to fix up my sleepy type work & take the second half to catch up on my art history homework (a take-home quiz due tomorrow) and think of proposals for my newest project, which I'll have to start developing on friday.

I talked to alea last night about some mixed emotions i've been having about seeing someone (isaac) and possibly feeling conflicted because of my feelings for someone else (dan). But she really did help me in determining that I'm just overthinking things and I shouldn't let that ruin the good thing I've got going with Isaac. He was so sweet yesterday after I explained that I practically ignored him all day because my stress was too high to deal with his texts, and that's what I need right now. Sweetness. And best friends in Bloomington and Chicago to get me through this rough time. And I need to start being that for more people.

I also find out about the RA position today, too, which is another matter in itself. I've already listed all the reasons I want it/it won't be the end of the world if I don't get it, but it'd sure be a nice end to my stressful few days to find out ResLife wants me.

long sigh of relief.
this day will be easy.

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