Chicago was lovely. SAIC is no doubt my new #1 school. I was really impressed with not only their facilities (attached to the art institute of Chicago, which is the 3rd largest collection of art in the world) and their gradin style (credit/no credit or check plus/check/check minus instead of bullshit 3-page rubrics like ib), but also their student work on display and their dorms. their dorms were seriously like apartments! and their residence halls in general were very open and clean-looking. no to mention that the school and studio spaces are open 24/7. how great is that?! and I've realized that being 6 hours away might be better than being 13 hours away in New York, because then I can come home for thanksgiving and fall break and even long weekends if I want, when before I only might have made it back for Christmas.
Columbia was cool, but definitely more of a school fro aspiring musicians and filmmakers. I wasn't really impressed with anything except their print shop. Their student artwork in the a&d department was actually pretty bad. but that's not to say all of it was--their performers were excellent a was their choir and all of the videos they played for us.
I had so much good food while I was in Chicago, and walked at least 6 miles. Not to mention that there is and h&m, an anthroplogie, AND a forever 21/faith 21! And the prospect of living and working in the same city as my best friend and her boyfriend is just the best thing I could imagine. I have unlimited visitors and 5 sleepover nights per month, so I could quite possibly see as much of blake as I do now!
it was great to get out of town, and I can't wait to go back.
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