Tuesday, May 5, 2009

on top of everything else, i've lost my ipod

my one escape is missing.

aside from that, my gpa is currently a 2.6.
not an all time low, but deathly close.

for the quarter:
i have a D for both health and chemistry, which is impossible. i've NEVER had D's before. i have C's in math and spanish.

for the year:
C's in math and chem.
B's in spanish, ap world, ap english, and health.
A's in singers and band. go figure.

i just need to be working on that nightly. i haven't done any homework tonight, nor did i last night.

my brother is sleeping in my room tonight, as my uncle has taken over his room. therefore, the option of crying myself to sleep is no longer option.

also, my lack of sleep has begun affecting (effecting?) my class work; when i'm not sleeping in class, i'm playing catch-up on the homework or notes for the next class. for instance, i slept through math today. never have i slept through that class when we weren't watching videos. i feel horrible--i'm sure my teacher noticed and i drooled all over myself (hah).

anyways, i'm going to get some sleep. arghhh

1 comment:

  1. You haven't updated in a while so I have nothing new to comment on.

    We have only five more days of this hell.

    We can do this, right?

    I hope so.
