Sunday, November 22, 2009

i did this to us

and i can't apologize enough for that.

we both have our issues, but i used mine as an excuse to duck out on dealing with unhappy things...even when those unhappy things sincerely needed to be brought out into the open.

and i'm glad that something like this is coming out,
because for about a week now i had been scared that something between us had ended,
aftershock from the end to our honeymoon period,
something unfixable. but this, though it will take time and care, will get easier. and hopefully we can put it completely behind us before our three-month.

i think how we work is that you bottle up all of your hurt and resentment and embarrassment and fears into anger and blame, and you don't know how to let it out without exploding.

i internalize every tiny inflection and annoyance as something i caused, and stress over it until it consumes me.

neither of us have healthy ways of going about emotion.

though it's not the first, this is definitely the largest bump in the road we've had so far. and im proud of us for pinpointing the problem and making a plan to fix it. together, we are invincible. so all i'm asking is that you stick this out with me, work with me, hold my hand. and we can walk our way back to the path we're meant to be on.

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